“The powers that be have been in charge for a very long time, and they know how to manipulate you. They have been very good at it for a very long time. Century after century, they have practiced oppressing people, buying and selling people, abusing people, and manipulating people, and they have done it behind closed doors.” Linda Louise Spalding
Our planet is now self-destructing. And so are we.
And it is all for one reason, namely our own ignorance about who we are and what’s really going on. If we actually knew what was going on, our problems could end immediately.
So let me put it in simple terms: If we wake up and remove the hidden barriers, lies and programming that keep us ignorant, we can be truly free and happy.
For example, you might think today that all this current word-wide virus situation is temporary. You might think that these three years of chaos will end soon and we will go back to normal. Maybe you think that we simply need to replace corrupt politicians and hold Big Pharma accountable.
But that is only the tip of a very big iceberg.
Underneath all of this reality is a mountain of lies that effectively keeps us ignorant, enslaved and feeling helpless to change things. We not only don’t know what the problems are but we have no clue about the solutions. Until we wake up and see this, things will not improve.
The lies we live by
Hidden behind today’s events is a secret that no one wants you to know. And that is that you have been intentionally kept in the dark. You have been lied to for a very long time and thus have no idea who you are and how you have been programmed and manipulated – by our leaders and our whole society including our media and institutions. Indeed, we have been kept in the dark about pretty much everything, for centuries.
Imagine for a moment that the minute you are born someone put a paper bag over your head.
You can’t see much and can’t breathe very well but don’t know any better. Not knowing about the bag, you adapt fairly well. You might complain about the discomforts but others tell you that there is nothing wrong. Since most others have bags on their heads you think that you must just be overly-sensitive. Maybe you need to be more resilient.
One day the bag falls off your head and you realize that you can see the whole world and you can breathe! But you quickly put it back on because it feels so weird. And when you tell others about your experience, they look at you as if you are crazy. They tell you that you are lucky to be alive since humans can’t survive without a bag. So you keep in on.
This story reflects how we have been for thousands of years. From birth to death, our whole society has been tricked to believe that this hard life on earth is all there is. We are told that a life of suffering is normal and to not expect anything more.
We live in an inverted world
Our “common sense” understanding of the world is so distorted, that some folks call this an inverted matrix, since almost all that we know to be true and organic seems to be completely inverted. For example:
we think our food and water is healthy for us, but it is not.
we think our elected leaders protect our interests, but they don’t.
we think schools empower our children, but they don’t.
we think that the medical system promotes health, but it does not.
we think that modern science is the only way to discover the truth, when it’s not.
For centuries, those with power and influence have built a society and entire industries (and laws) that poison our bodies and our minds. They have raped and pillaged the earth yet convinced us that all of this – including disease, chronic illness, addictions and mental illness - is a natural by product and necessary for progress.
The truth of who you are
Most importantly we have been kept away from the very truth of our own potential and divine nature. We are told that we are random blobs on the earth without much meaning or purpose. Yet the truth is that we are extraordinarily powerful beings.
This truth has not only been hidden from us but is perhaps the biggest kept secret of all time. Although its your birthright to know this, those in power will do absolutely everything to prevent you from realizing this truth.
“Remember you have had your minds manipulated. Remember you have been intentionally taught, with great repetition and force, many things that are not true because the beings who wanted to control you knew they had to do it that way.“ Tina Louise Spalding
We were not meant to be slaves. We were not designed to suffer for our entire lives and then die. We were meant to be free. We were meant to live in abundance, freedom and love. We have been duped, but luckily the gig is coming to an end.
Where to now?
If we all simply take back our minds from the fearful programming and indoctrination we will be well on our way to creating a new earth based on love, as described here by Tina Louise Spalding:
“…you must take back your mind and the innate, loving frequency that is your birthright. You are made for love, from love, and by love. You are a divine aspect of God mind naturally attuned to love, and that is why you suffer so on this planet. You suffer because your minds have been taught to hate, judge, attack and kill. …” .
Although I encourage you to change the exterior world, I believe that all change starts within. This means surfacing and freeing ourselves of the invisible barriers and programming. This means identifying your ego, your shadow and the so-called “veil of illusion.” In doing so we can tell what is true, remember our connection with everything, and live happy, free and healthy lives.
Stay tuned.
In my next entries I talk about:
How to surface the programming
What is the ego
Why waking up is so difficult.
Thank you for joining me.