Thanks to all of you who now follow me. I really appreciate being able to share what I am writing. As you know I think that we are in the midst of a massive evolutionary shift in consciousness and my book will be helpful for those who are on that path.
Today I decided to send a Query letter to a select number of publishers. This is the “Descriptive” Table of Contents that I am sending out. It provides a good overview of my book. I know the perfect publisher will show up. Please feel free to share!
by Maureen Fitzgerald, PhD
Chapter 1. It’s time to wake up
In this chapter I explain why I wrote this book (I had a dark night of the soul and spent years reading all the wisdom literature!) and why it’s critical to wake up at this time (there is no lasting happiness if you don’t). I offer a “quick quiz” to assess the current level of the reader’s awakeness and describe the process of awakening. Here are the chapter sections:
· Why I wrote this book
· My ah ha moment
· The bottom line
· Are you ready to wake up?
· Where to now?
· Trust yourself!
· Words alone can’t wake you up
· How to read this book
Chapter 2. How to Wake Up
In this chapter I explain what waking up is (breaking free of the veil of illusion) and how it feels (amazing!). I explain how we all got duped into thinking that we are just random physical bodies as opposed to infinite beings and I include David Hawkins levels of consciousness. I describe the typical phases of awakening and explain how we can all awaken. Here are the chapter sections:
· I did not know I was asleep
· What is really going on?
· What is waking up?
· What does wakefulness feel like?
· The levels of wakefulness
· How does wakefulness come about?
· The benefits of waking up
· Why are we all asleep?
· How do we wake up?
· Where to from here?
Chapter 3. Understanding the Human Condition
In this chapter I describe the human condition (the veil of illusion and the ego-identity), where it came from and how it works (it keeps us blind to the full extent of reality). I explain that our shared human purpose on this earth is to awaken – and break free of the egoic state of mind. We are ALL moving toward a clear-awake state of consciousness. I explain that this can be done by transcending the ego (Ch. 4), integrating the shadow/pain-body (Ch. 5) and going beyond the mind (Ch 6). Here are the chapter sections:
· What is the human condition?
· The illusion of separation
· How does the human condition work?
· Where did the human condition come from?
· The fall of humanity
Chapter 4. Transcending the Ego
In this chapter I explain what the ego-identity is (false protective personality) and how it formed. I describe the specific roles that the ego plays and how it acts out real life, often causing us to live in fear and defensiveness. I then describe how to surface the ego (by observing your own behaviours) and how to transcend it and move it into the passenger seat. Here are the chapter sections:
· What is the ego-identity?
· How does the ego work?
· The six universal beliefs and fears of the ego
· Where did the ego come from?
· How to identify your ego in action
Endless Seeking
· How to transcend the ego
· Pitfalls of ego-work
Chapter 5. Integrating Shadow/Pain Body
In this chapter I describe the shadow (also called the pain-body) and how it is formed. I describe it as a laundry bag (of discarded memories, fears and beliefs) that needs to be emptied. I describe the harms of the shadow and how to recognize when your shadow is acting up. I explain how projection works to allow us to see the hidden shadow and I describe how to do shadow-work to integrate the shadow. Here are the chapter sections:
· What is the shadow/pain-body?
· Where did the shadow come from?
· How does the shadow work? (real life)
· The five harms of the shadow
· How to surface your shadow
· How to recognize your shadow
· Some shadow-work techniques
· How to do shadow-work – four steps
· Some tips when doing shadow-work
Chapter 6. Going Beyond the Mind
In this chapter I describe ways to awaken that go beyond the mind (e.g. non-duality). I explain that psychological methods (like ego-work and shadow-work) provide a necessary foundation but only go so far. In other words, since awakening is all breaking free of the, the ego won’t like this or allow its own ego-death. I describe four methods, what they look like and how to use them. I include many excerpts from the non-dual literature. Here are the chapter sections:
Four methods
· Spacious presence
· Surrender
· Suffering Consciously
· Self-Inquiry
Chapter 7. The Five Steps to Waking Up
In this chapter, I pull together the entire book into a five-step process using a real-life example. I invite the reader to recall any recent irritation or problem and simply walk through the five steps. Similar to “The Work” by Byron Katie, the process is most effective when that reader can have a “direct experience” which will take them beyond the body-mind – to a realization of their true Self. Here are the sections:
The five steps
Realize your life is a journey
Notice and release your thoughts
Transcend your egoic-mind
Integrate your shadow/pain-body
Go beyond the mind
A. Quick Quiz: Are You Awake?
B. The Seven Skills of Awakening
C. Checklist of Five Steps
D. References/Bibliography