“So it’s not enough to have spiritual realizations. It is also essential to deconstruct the subconscious emotional and mental patterns that are held in the body and the mind, and that prevent people from fully embodying a larger way of being in their lives.” John Welwood
I am a bit lonely these days. I often wonder if I am the only one asking folks to TRULY wake up. I know we all talk about it, but who is doing the hard WORK? Who is asking the questions? Who is sharing what they know????
Here are my brief suggestions:
1. Notice, just notice (look around) that ALL OF US ARE WAKING UP on a global scale. We are realizing that we have been lied to for our entire lives (about everything). Most importantly we have been lied to about WHO WE ARE. People around the world are questioning the status quo like never before.
2. Realize that YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE. Whether you realize it right now or not, there is an energy source “living you.” Just like all of nature including animals and plants, we are all designed to live together on this planet in abundance. We should not be living like slaves in constant fear. It’s time for all of us to step into our authentic essence and power. We can all be living the life we were meant to live before we were conditioned and programmed.
3. LEARN AND SHARE. There are millions of people waking up these days. We don’t need to feel alone. As you learn simply share it. And so on and so on. We don’t need to join a group, we just need to let others know that this this awakening is hard and no person should feel alone.
I also have two requests on a personal note (to help me share):
Request 1. Please help me spread what I know. Share this and all the other bits of information you come across. It’s all valuable. It all contributes to the increase in our awareness.
Request 2. I need help with getting my books out there. Specifically I am looking for a EDITORS and LAYOUT people to help on ALL my books. I feel I am being called to SHARE everything I have to the world for FREE or by donation. YUP. It’s time.
Thank you so much for being part of this awakening and sticking with me.
If you want to know more about me and my books please visit my website: www.MaureenFitzgerald.com