“Every great teacher since the beginning of time has said to look within and find the truth, for the truth of what we really are will set us fee.” David Hawkins “Letting Go”
The following Quiz provides a rough gauge to help you determine your level of awareness.
It’s also an inventory of things you might find in a person who is “enlightened.” Thus it’s a useful definition of waking up and can be a quick tool to guide you on your path towards awakening.
Keep in mind that the ultimate aim of most human beings is not “full attainment” of awakening, but rather waking up enough to gain new perspectives, navigate your life with ease and enjoy each moment. In other words, the more awake you are, the more likely you are to experience the affects listed here.
Note: In crafting this Quiz, I used several resources and specifically the scales used by David R. Hawkins (“Power versus Force” and his Map of Consciousness) and Steve Taylor (“The Leap-The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening” and his Inventory of Spiritual/Secular Wakefulness).
A Quick Wakefulness Quiz
Instructions: You may want to assess yourself on a 5-point sliding scale (such as never, rarely, sometimes, often or always)
1. You feel alive and joyful
I feel true happiness and peace
I have a heightened awareness of being alive
I see beauty and wonder in everything
I experience joy and playfulness
I experience states of bliss and awe
I feel pleasure in ordinary activities
I feel intensely alive in my sensuality
I experience stillness and mental quiet (free of thoughts)
I have a deep sense of gratitude and humility
2. You are self-aware, responsible and loving
I am aware of who I am and I know my needs
I take full responsibility for myself, my actions and my emotions
I have no desire to judge or blame
I am quick to forgive myself and others
I am open-hearted and comfortable with vulnerability
I can give and receive love and appreciation easily
I can not harm anyone or anything
I experience unconditional love and compassion for myself and others
3. Your mind is calm and clear
I am aware of my thoughts and beliefs
I know I am not my thoughts
I recognize my emotions and am not hi-jacked by them
I can maintain a balanced emotional state
I have mental clarity and am able to make decisions easily
I am centered, grounded and confident
I trust my intuition and feelings
I am able to imagine possible futures
I can witness and observe myself
4. You are healthy
I am aware of my physical body – inside and out
I experience all of my bodily sensations
I love and show compassion and patience to myself
I am aware of my internal body, energy and vibrations
I eat, sleep and move in healthy ways
I do not feel compulsive or addictive
My self-worth does not depend on my looks or achievements
5. You move with ease, flow and connection
I have a sense of contentment and ease
I flow with the energy of life
I accept life situations – ups, downs and setbacks
I can let go of things that do not serve me
I feel present awareness in this moment
I have few regrets and do not worry about the future
I see no mistakes, only learning
I sense a connection with source/consciousness
I feel creative and powerful
I feel connected to all human beings and all life
I experience a deep sense of union with the universe
Death does not frighten me
Again, this is simply one description of what wakefulness looks like and a quick list of things you might experience as you awaken over your life. It’s also great reminder of how you will feel when you are in a state of heightened awareness and how easy it can be to access these states.
Stay tuned.
In my next entries I talk about:
How to wake up – in 5 easy steps
Why its so difficult to wake up
How your ego-mind keeps you asleep
Thank you for joining me.