
Hi Lisa

I am so glad you found me. We met in Italy cycling. 6 years ago! I knew when I met you that you were awake.

I left my husband two months later. After 22 years. My recent post describes that situation.

I love knowing that someone gets what I am writing about. It’s been a bumpy journey but I now live in a beau full home in paradise (but for the shit show!)

My favourite quote these days is: if you see beauty in everything then eventually you become that beautiful.

It’s not always easy as you know.

Ps you can contact me on my website.

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Hi Maureen. Congratulations on your new book! We met some time ago but I can't remember where!! I've also been following the non-dual teachings since visiting Rishikesh in India in Feb 2020 and they've transformed my life. I'd practiced and even taught mindfulness for a few years before then, but when I came across the non-dual teachings it seemed that a key question had been missing - "Who or what is aware or paying attention?"!! This self-inquiry seems so obvious now but seemed to be missing from all the previous teachings I had come across.

Anyway I really hope your book gets published as I'd love to read it! I've started writing a book focused mainly on step 4 of your guide. I meet people who have realised their true nature but are really struggling to embody it. I use the practice of TRE to support them and also the teachings of Louise Kay and Helen Hamilton - both women from the North of England who are very practical and down to earth and also deeply awakened.

Wishing you all the best and I hope our paths cross again at some point.

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