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Dealing with depression

Wise words

Last night I held my first Awakening Practice Circle. It was so moving for me. The topic of depression came up.

Every person on earth has suffered to some degree with “depression” or feeling low or lost, even if for a few hours. For me, depression is a sign that I am to STOP. I am to stop everything and go inward. Others might have to seek medical attention. Others might plow on through.

Still, everyone can benefit from a practice or technique to help them navigate the experience when it arises.

For me, I imagine my “higher Self” or guardian angels talking to me (it could be loving mother too). I wrote the words down in the form of a letter so I could pull them out and read them when I felt depressed. You may want to write your own version. Here is mine.

Dear adorable Maureen,

We see you are struggling. We love you so much. Here are some words of comfort to help you through.  

1.  Breathe. Your body needs air! When you breathe in deeply, your body thinks you are relaxed! You are actually breathing in life! So take it all in.

2.  Wrap your arms around your body. Rock yourself. Know that in this moment you are safe. At this point in time, everything is okay. There is nothing for you to do.

3.  Do not feel as if anything that you are experiencing is “wrong.” If you only knew the precise way that the universe is unfolding and providing you with exactly what you need, you would be less anxious. All is truly well.

4.   Drop all ideas about what “should be.” You may never get what you want. Things may not go as you hoped. And it truly does not matter in the bigger scheme of things. You actually chose this life and frankly, it’s not a bad life.  You will always get what you really need to get you to where you need to go. Trust life.

5. Try to be fully here right now. Stop moving. Stop thinking. Sense your heart beating. Sense the air and the smells. Over and over bring yourself fully into this present moment. You are meant to be who you are. You are meant to be here at this time. You are alive. Relax into this moment.

6. Realize that you have done enough. You have worked hard enough. You have lived your life fully enough. You have overcome difficulties. You have helped others. You have created beauty. You are strong enough. You are brave enough. You are loved just as you are. You are just taking a well-deserved break.

We love you so much. We hope you can feel it.


Your Higher Self/Your Guardian Angels.

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Journal of a Recovering Lawyer
Journal of a Recovering Lawyer Podcast
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