I have been journaling my whole life. These days I tend to journal mostly at 3am but also when I am struggling with difficult situations. In fact, recently I journaled almost 20 pages as I processed a betrayal of someone I trusted.
Writing to myself has been my life raft at many junctures, but recently I realized its TRUE value. I now see it as my MAIN tool for accessing Higher Self and for awakening.
As I write each day, my whole perspective on difficult situations shifts.
Although I start out with a long list of complaints and worries (woe is me), over several days my state of mind eventually morphs into a deep understanding of what is really going on; namely the TRUTH.
As well, I find that the brilliant books I am reading find their way onto my pages, not just as useful quotations, but as very immediate and practical wisdom. Often I am forced to face myself and feel it as real direct experience (often through tears). For example, in the recent situation of betrayal – I moved from terrible anger (on day one); to sadness (on day three) to acceptance and peace (on day five.)
Through journaling I am not only able to see the world differently, I am integrating what I know and, more importantly, I feel am evolving into a more self-loving and accepting person.
You might want to try it. Just sit still (very still) and write from your inner self. I am sure he or she has been waiting for you to listen.
Note: If you want to learn more about me and the books I write please visit my website at www.MaureenFitzgerald.com.
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