
This is my blatant plug for the NCI (The National Citizens Inquiry).

Please. I urge you. Go and watch a few of videos produced by the NCI (www.NationalCitizesnInquiry.com). This volunteer group spent the last few years interviewing thousands of Canadians who were impacted over the last four years. All are fantastic!

Never let it happen again

In my opinion if every Canadian just watched these we would NEVER EVER have another situation in which our rights are trampled and our voices are silenced.

I know that the TRUTH will eventually come out. It’s just a matter of time. I prefer it be sooner than later.

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Let me just take you back for a moment  

As you may recall, in March 2020 the entire world was turned upside down – in lockstep. In a matter of a few days with the help of the internet and big media (recall twice-daily broadcasts by “health officials” giving us statistics on “cases” of Covid) almost every single person on the planet was terrified.

A huge and swift campaign was rolled out.

Within weeks, almost every country in the world had declared a “pandemic” and shortly after, declared national emergencies. With sweeping powers governments quickly introduced aggressive restrictions on their populations such as distancing, lockdowns and masking.

These restrictions continued for several years and ultimately morphed into forced MRNA medical treatments, which had not been fully tested. People were shunned and fired for not taking the shot and were labelled as “anti-vaxers” - reduced to second-class citizens. Families were ripped apart. Life-long friendships were severed.

Stop for a minute and think about that. It’s a big deal.  

The good news is that over the last few years the truth is slowly coming out. Many books have been written. Many documentaries have been produced. Still however, many are still in the dark.

I love brave truthers

Luckily a group of dedicated lawyers, journalists and professionals pulled together the NCI to find out exactly what happened. Their sole purpose was to find out the TRUTH so we could prevent it from happening again (and hold people accountable).

We are now almost in 2025 and although the drip, drip, drip of vaccine injuries, mind control through propaganda and government collusion is surfacing, most Canadians have no idea what truly happened. To this day, the media still controls and censors those who speak in opposition to government narratives.

Thus it’s even more critical to share what you know.  

Please go watch a few NCI videos share widely.

Note: If you want to learn more about me and my books please visit my website at www.MaureenFitzgerald.com,