Have you noticed the number of young mothers on social media today complaining about motherhood? The complaints are the same as mine from 20 years ago, and my mother’s, from 40 years ago.
Just like me as a young mother, these moms have no idea why life as a mother is so hard. But unlike me, most have not looked at the research or written a book on it.
Here is the back cover of my book on motherhood. It tells the whole truth about motherhood and provides SOLUTIONS. Please tell your friends who are mothers to read it.
Mothers today feel like they are going absolutely crazy. They are exhausted, underpaid and under-appreciated. They feel like slaves to their kids, homes, husbands and careers – just like our mothers did. So what went wrong?
Most people blame mothers for this state of affairs. We tell women that motherhood is blissful and it’s up to them to find work-life balance. We remind them that they chose to have children and can decide if they wish to have a career or not. But how free are their choices?
Did the suffragists and feminists fail mothers?
This book gets to the heart of the reasons why mothers are unhappy today and what’s really holding them back. It shifts the blame from mothers, to hundreds of pressures that make it extraordinarily difficult for mothers to flourish. This book is an easy-to-read summary of the extensive academic research on motherhood. It not only describes the 15 main barriers that women face but also provides 15 practical strategies, including:
stop asking mothers to choose career or family
never expect mothers to be martyrs to kids
make childcare available, affordable and acceptable
question the 24/7 work culture and the mommy penalty
adopt a partnership model of the family
Unlike other books that urge women to be super-moms, this book focuses on the whole institution of motherhood consisting of our traditional family model, our traditions and out-dated beliefs. Although motherhood may be madness, it need not be. This book provides a manifesto for anyone who wants mothers to be happy and free.
Please visit my website to learn more: MaureenFitzgerald.com
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